Back Off, Back Pain
USA Weekend Magazine, March 12, 2006
by Susan T. Lennon
(Longer, unedited version - for additional infornation) Musculoskeletal problems rank number one for doctor visits, – a whopping 61,636,000 in 2003. One of the biggest culprits is low back pain. “Over 80% of Americans will be knocked off their feet by an episode,” says Nicholas A. DiNubile, M.D., author of Framework: Your 7-Step Program for Healthy Muscles, Bones, and Joints (Rodale, 2005). It can happen to anyone, but you’re at higher risk if you: - Have a family history of back trouble
- Spend long hours sitting, or do heavy manual labor
- Smoke
- Are out of shape or overweight
- Suffer from depression, anxiety, stress
- Have poor posture
- Threw your back out before
- Are pregnant
How can you prevent low back injury? - Know your risk
- Take breaks, get up from your desk or out of your car or truck and limber up
- Lift from a squatting position, using your thighs, not your back – even for small items
- Build core abdominal strength
- Concentrate on overall cardiac fitness through aerobic exercise
- Practice yoga, Pilates, dance, martial arts
- Sit and stand without slouching
- Since most backs go out in the early morning; stretch gently on arising
- Avoid “old fashioned” sit-ups – do controlled crunches instead
If back pain knocks you down, DiNubile offers this advice: - If it’s your first time, see a doctor to rule out a medical cause like tumor, aneurysm, gallbladder problem, kidney stone, or herniated disk
- If it’s a relatively minor repeat episode, try chiropractic, physical therapy, massage, or acupuncture
- Once you “know” your back: spend one day off your feet, but avoid sitting; apply heat if you’re achy, or ice if you’re injured; try mild stretching and movement, and take over-the-counter anti-inflammatory medicine, if you’re allowed
Need to find a back specialist? Check out the North American Spine Society Site for low back exercises |