



Double Header: Hair Loss and Wound Care
USA Weekend Magazine, January 13, 2008
Two Health Briefs with surprising info:
"Why is your hair falling out? It could be a medical reason" ... and "Ouch! Cut yourself? Here's how to heal."

Forget "dieting."
USA Weekend Magazine, December 17, 2007
To permanently drop pounds, you need to change habits. >>
"Fall Back" to Sleep
USA Weekend Magazine, October 28, 2007
Use November's time change to catch up on your zzzz's. >>



USA Weekend Magazine, September 9, 2007
Cholesterol drugs may prevent foot damage from peripheral neuropathy, a serious disorder affecting half of all diabetics.

Eat Well and Play Right
ATA World, Fall, 200y
ATA student Kenderick Scorza wins a Nickelodeon wellness challenge and inspires other kids to live healthy and dream big

Tips to Calm Poison Ivy's Itch
USA Weekend Magazine, July 15, 2007
Summertime, and the living is ... itchy! If you can't avoid poison ivy, sumac and oak, learn how to soothe the itch. >>


Mother-Daughter Masters
ATA World, Summer, 2007
Rising through the ranks together, Patti Barnum and Kelli Shoup inspire each other to achieve. >>

Triple Tips Redux
USA Weekend Magazine, May 6, 2007
Hugs For Health, Binge Eating Disorder, ADHD and Teen Driving: Three Health Briefs >>


Home Free
Cat Women: Female Writers on their Female Friends. Edited by Megan McMorris. Seal Press, April, 2007
I told my cat that we’d moved from our condo to a house so he could finally run free. He did for a while, and then gave up his wild ways for good. >>

Your Thyroid Can Make You Cold, Fat and Tired
USA Weekend Magazine, March 11, 2007
Your thyroid controls your metabolism. If it's sluggish, you could be one of the millions of Americans with hypothyroidism -- and not even know you have it. >>

The Patience Effect
ATA World, Spring, 2007
Learn to stay positive, grow with your mistakes and enjoy the journey. >>


Your Mind: A Little Privacy, Please
The Weekly Reader - Current Health 1, January, 2007
This article helps tweens and young teens understand why they need "space" and time alone to develop and grow. >>
Incontinence: Seek Help Early for Best Results
USA Weekend Magazine, December 17, 2006
Although urinary incontinence becomes more common with age, aging doesn't cause it. Read on to learn why this is a medical matter that deserves your attention. >>

It's True: Holidays ARE a Headache
USA Weekend Magazine, November 26, 2006
Holiday cheer can mean holiday hell for America’s 28 million migraine sufferers – but it doesn’t have to. Read this coverlined story for coping tips. >>

Catching a Flight? Don't Catch a Cold
USA Weekend Magazine, November 19, 2006
You're up to 113 times more likely to leave the airplane with a cold than if you'd stayed on the ground ... protect yourself! >>

Feed Yourself Some Good Germs
USA Weekend Magazine, November 5, 2996
Bacteria for breakfast? If the thought makes you queasy, think again. Not all bugs are bad, and eating good germs can improve your health. >>
Bouncing Back
ATA World, Fall, 2006
ATA World Champion Sally Burke used Taekwondo to conquer abuse, gain confidence and live happy. You can do it too. >>

Prevention, August, 2006
How your furry companion can make you sick -- and what to do about it


Leaving Our Chains
Woman's Best Friend: Women Writers on the Dogs in Their Lives (Seal Press), Spring, 2006
What my puppy taught me about freedom. >>

Asthma: Plan for Attacks
USA Weekend Magazine, March 26, 2006
About 20 million Americans have asthma, including six million children. Learn how to gain control ... >>

COPD: Are You Winded?
USA Weekend Magazine, March 26, 2006
SOB got you down? Shortness of breath (SOB) is the hallmark of Chronic Obstructive Pulmonary Disease (COPD), affecting about 32 million Americans ... >>
Cosmetic Surgery Smarts
USA Weekend Magazine, March 12, 2006
The failure rate of cosmetic surgery is underreported. Find out how to select a qualified doctor. >>

Back Off, Back Pain
USA Weekend Magazine, March 12, 2006
Musculoskeletal problems rank number one for doctor visits, – a whopping 61,636,000 in 2003. One of the biggest culprits is low back pain. These tips will help you cope. >>
Practice Taekwondo Forever
ATA World, Winter, 2005
Three experts offer advice for maintaining martial arts motivation despite challenges posed by age, injury or illness. >>


IBS: Know for Sure
USA Weekend Magazine, November 6, 2005
If you're bothered by bloating, cramps and diarrhea or constipation, you could be among one in five Americans with irritable bowel syndrome. >>
Iron Overload
USA Weekend Magazine, November 6, 2005
Surprisingly common genetic cause - hemochromatosis - may be to blame for this potentially fatal condition. >>

Melanoma: Learn to ID
USA Weekend Magazine, November 6, 2005
Because we - not doctors - first find most melanomas, we must improve our detection skills. >>

The Nails Know
USA Weekend Magazine, August 28, 2005
Fingernails and toenails can reveal underlying illnesses. Here is the longer version of my "BodySmart" USAW piece, with a weblink for more information. >>

Here Comes the Sun
Health Magazine, May, 2005
Odds are you need more protection. Take these 5 steps first. >>

Incontinence/Unsafe Airline Water
USA Weekend Magazine, April 17, 2005
Surprising new findings about hormone replacement therapy and incontinence; ask for bottled water aboard an airplane. >>
Safe Tattooing
USA Weekend Magazine, March 20, 2005
Do you tattoo? If you do, a little knowledge will go a long way in keeping yourself safe. >>

Laptops and Infertility
USA Weekend Magazine, January 21, 2005
Is "Laptop" an Oxymoron? It is if you're concerned about your fertility ... >>

Hangover Helpers
USA Weekend Magazine, December 19, 2004
Health tips to avoid morning-after miseries
The Bunny 411
The Washington Post, April 4, 2004
For the dedicated few, we've canvassed rabbit owners, vets, and advocacy groups for resources in the D.C. metro area. >>

Heartbreak and Hope
AKC Gazette, April 2004
Knowledge of the causes and treatment of canine glaucoma, cataracts, and PRA will help you cope with these relentless hereditary diseases. >>